My wonderful parents

My wonderful parents

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The diary of a mad white woman

ok so what the hell. Men drive me crazy. You think that want one thing then its not what they really want. I either suck at relationships or just cant take them at face value. I sit here trying o figure out what i need to do to make a relationship be what it is suppose to be. I push thats what I do. Why im truly not sure just wish I didnt. Feeling sorry for my self doesnt seem to be the trick to the whole game. or is it just what happens when the insucrity hits you.. I need to feel secure in relationships then I love them. Do we all have them or is it just me??????

Time heals all wounds but I never get around to healing to know if that statement is true or not. Its not the thought of being alone its just wanting to be with someone and spending your time with the one. How do we know if the one is it?? I keep asking that alot. I always second guess myself just because its my nature. There are times that I just don't want to be here and go through the same shit for the curse that I have set myself up for time and time again. If ther is one thng that goes my way in life I would be a happy camper. Life has its challenges but Im getting pretty sick and tired of the course that this life had me on. Pitty is not what I want but answers to a screwed up world that I have created.

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