My wonderful parents

My wonderful parents

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How do you know when it is right!!

In my way of thinking when the right person comes along you have this feeling of completion. I could care less of how long the relationship has been going on be it 1 month or a year if it is right it is worth it. They have to be your best friend, lover, partner and yes the love making is all part of this package. I DON'T want it to be all about the sex it has to be something more. You can always fall into the one loving more then the other and I think at that point it's time to move on. You know it won't work because it will never change then you are in something that you feel like you have to stick out just because. Been there done that. I want a pusher one that pushes me along and is side by side with me. I want someone that wants to be with me as much as I want them and our goals towards life are the same. Do I want a marriage again absolutely. I am a more loving and better wife then I am a girlfriend that i have seen. I always give 100% until I see that it is one way then I'm done trying because I don't see nothing back. Take me or leave me this is who I am.

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