My wonderful parents

My wonderful parents

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Have you ever wondered where your life is going and what is going to take place in it? I catch my self doing this alot. It's not that i wish its if my wishes come true. I focus on things that I should put aside and focus more on whats at hand. I have all these things that go through my head that I need to stop them and just live. Tyson is finally coming home to stay with me instead of staying with his dad and now I have to be the mom that he needs. School is just around the corner and the summer has gone so fast. I have been this person that has needed someone to make me feel instead of it being upon me to have it take place. My past relationships have prevented me from being the person that I am with everyone else that I come in contact with. Why is this? I find that the person that I am with now has shown me that being me is not a bad thing at all. The smart ass that I am the strong headed, out of control, sometimes unfocused and ya the low self esteem. Wow I think I would run!!!! This is all sounding like a big package to take on.

1 comment:

Britt,Ben,Baby BentLee and our dog Mack! said...

Hey woman? How are you doing? You are a funny person and that's why I miss you!